pureair air purification system
pureair air purification system

Product Features:
- Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value: MERV-16
- Hospital Grade Filtration Level
- Particle Filtration Level: Removes over 95% down to .3 micron
- Bioaerosols Filtration Level: Removes over 90% down to .01 micron
- Whole-Home Application
- Reduces and destroys ozone
- Compatable with all HVAC system types
- 1 Year Filter Life
- 1 Year PCO Cartridge Life
- Lamp Life: 1 Lamp / 1 Year
- Electrical Rating: 120/230V; 50/60 Hz; 150 watts; 1.2 / .65 amps
- Replacement Filter Options: MERV-16 5" Box
- 5-Year Limited Warranty on covered components